GCS COO Dr. Wendy Hawke Lenz Featured on Good Day Atlanta to Promote Totes 2 Tots

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

ajcDr. Wendy Hawke Lenz was featured on Fox 5’s Good Day Atlanta on Thursday, January 20, to spread the word about Totes 2 Tots. She was joined by Katherine Herren, Deputy Director of DFCS, one of GCS’s main partners in their annual Totes 2 Tots suitcase drive for Georgia’s foster children.

Dr. Lenz discussed the importance of donating bags, since many of Georgia’s foster children travel from home to home with their belongings in garbage bags. Equipping these children with their very own bag or suitcase “…creates a feeling for them of not only independence but of dignity,” Dr. Lenz said. “There are more than 7,000 children in foster care in Georgia. This year’s goal? We would like to have a new or nearly new bag for every single child.”

Click here to watch the video: http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/good_day_atl/Totes-for-Tots-Helps-Georgia%27s-Foster-Children-20110120-gda-sd

This year’s event, which was rescheduled due to dangerous winter weather conditions, will take place on Friday, January 21. New or nearly new bags and suitcases can be dropped off between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at 22 GCS locations across Georgia, including 15 in Metro Atlanta. 

Georgia Cancer Specialists is a Top 10 private cancer practice in the U.S. and a leader in advanced cancer treatment and research. The practice supports more than 200,000 patient visits each year. GCS offers community-based medical oncology and hematology services and is the first private oncology practice to also provide a full range of support services for patients in Georgia, including nutritional counseling, pain management, wellness counseling, and home health coordination. The GCS research department, whose focus is bringing targeted cancer therapy to communities, is the first in Georgia to offer Phase I clinical trials, the most novel cancer therapies available. GCS has 29 offices, 44 physicians, and more than 500 support staff members located in Metro Atlanta, North and Central Georgia, Southeast Tennessee, and Southwest North Carolina. Georgia Cancer Specialists can be found on the web at www.gacancer.com. GCS is The Cancer Answer.

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